The ‘content sweet spot’is the point at which the defined needs and interests of your (potential) clients and the unique and specific expertise that your company and brand has to offer overlap.
Determining and choosing the right sweet spot ensure that your content marketing has FOCUS and not only helps you produce any old content, but content that makes a difference. Ideally, you opt for a sweet spot that hasn’t been found already or a sweet spot that you think you can handle better and with more relevance than the competition.
A well-chosen sweet spot binds naturally with the DNA of your brand and/or organisation. Poorly chosen sweet spots feel uncomfortable and unnatural, like a bank that sends its clients recipes or an energy supplier that starts promoting holiday destinations. Clients and prospects, i.e. readers in a content marketing approach, will immediately feel that something is off.
Once you’ve determined who you are, who you want to be, and whom you want to be this for in your content marketing strategy, the search for the content (marketing) sweet spot begins.
Once you’ve determined who you are, who you want to be, and whom you want to be this for in your content marketing strategy, the search for the content (marketing) sweet spot begins.
Increasingly more companies and organisations are discovering the power of content. Increasingly more colleagues are getting into content marketing. The result of this is that increasingly more content is offered to your target group. The only way to survive this content tsunami is to create content that is so good and so relevant that your reader would be willing to pay for it. We’re talking premium content. Smart sweet spot choices put you on the path to creating this kind of content.