Setting up a marketing strategy is a challenge for many companies. Often things go wrong in the execution phase because of a lack of capacity or because the strategy is not widely enough supported. But the problem actually lies in the idea that strategy and execution are completely separate. Els Mortier, Head of Strategy, explains.
Companies are often afraid that the time and resources they put into developing a marketing strategy will come to nothing because it will not be adequately implemented by the people in charge of execution. “Then let's do without a marketing strategy,” they say. However, a marketing strategy is absolutely crucial. Aimless marketing initiatives can lead to wasted resources, time, and budget. Without a ready and clear marketing goal, you also risk getting out of touch with your customers because you are not constantly adjusting based on their rapidly changing needs. Moreover, without a clear marketing strategy, you also get out of touch with your company's ambitions. And marketing is only as relevant as the contribution it makes to achieving the company's goals. In short, a marketing strategy is a competitive advantage that cannot be missed.
"A strategy is not purely theoretical. It should be closely related to execution."
"A strategy is not purely theoretical. It should be closely related to execution."
According to Els Mortier, Head of Strategy, things often go wrong when a marketing strategy is developed in an ivory tower and treated as an exercise on paper. “A strategy is not purely theoretical. It should be closely related to execution. It is a way of knowing whether you are taking the appropriate initiatives and whether they are producing the desired results. I like to use a GPS as a metaphor. A strategy does for your marketing what a GPS does for your journey. It maps out the best possible route to get you to your final destination. Like a GPS, a marketing strategy also takes into account the means you have to reach your final destination. For example, as a one-man business, your strategy is more likely to be on two wheels than four, so to speak, and so you will be assigned a different route. And if there are obstacles on the road? Then it redirects itself.”
Marketing strategy and execution may go hand in hand, but how do you bring them together if they live separate lives in your company?
Els: “The only way is to provide collaboration between those who are in charge of the strategy and those who have to execute the strategy. Break through the silo thinking and foster knowledge sharing so they can determine together the feasibility of the different elements of the strategy. This moment of alignment should also happen on a recurring basis. At a later stage, it is also useful to evaluate the outcome of the strategy during a meeting. Because you have to adjust a marketing strategy regularly based on the output as well.”
That adjusting a strategy would be a sign of weakness or inefficiency is a misconception, according to Els. “If you never adjust, then you're going at it blindly. Critical evaluation is necessary. But at the same time, changing your strategy every month is not a good idea either. It is important to clearly state the reason for an adjustment and to critically evaluate this as well. After all, a strategy is about the long term. Not every result shows immediately. The strategy must be given a chance to bear fruit.”
Here are some tips to help strategy and execution flow nicely together: