Inform and guide online content creators on unique digital platform

Online content creators guides to manage their impact responsibly. How do you do that? What are the do's & don'ts? Which agencies can they turn to for any additional questions? Enter the influencerFAQ. An online platform by and for online content creators that our group partner We Are Digital created – in collaboration with Propaganda – for the cabinet of Flemish Minister of Youth & Media Benjamin Dalle and the Department of Culture, Youth and Media.

The influencerwhat?!

Research by the Arteveldehogeschool & Comeos show that 87% of young people follow influencers on social media. That is some impact. How do you handle this correctly as an influencer and who can you turn to for questions? These are some of the questions online content creators face. The same survey shows that three out of four influencers say they need more support on these issues, need the right information and are open to a code of ethics. Flemish Minister of Youth & Media Benjamin Dalle and the Department of Culture, Youth & Media saw this need and wanted to help. They were looking for a partner to create a platform by and for online content creators. Our Propaganda Group convinced in the tender round and came up with the influencerFAQ: tips & tricks for online content creators.

Connecting platform for online content creators

Ease-of-use and gathering all the information an influencer needs in one place were thus found to be essential for the success of this project from the research conducted. Therefore, going for an always-accessible, online platform to facilitate the online content creator in every step of being an influencer seemed the obvious choice. "A handy search bar where the influencer can ask questions and then be easily find the answer became the core of the webpage," Emilia Van Oortegem of We AreDigital, part of our Propaganda Group, and co-project manager on the influencerFAQ, explains. 

Within the online platform, all questions, called fiches, were categorized under six domains:

  • #advertising: all about advertising
  • #privacy: every facet of privacy law from and for influencers
  • #isdatlegit: the legal side of being an influencer
  • #isdaterover: questions on the positive and negative impact influencers have
  • #respect: what can and cannot be done?
  • #hoewist: all mental health questions

Can’t find what you are looking for? Then you can ask your question in the Dropbox. Your question and answer, if relevant, will then be added to the platform.

The structure, design and operation of the platform were created by lead digital designer of We Are Digital Arne Kelders with the help of junior digital designer Vince Teckmans. Website development was done with Veaudeville, an external partner.

Name to match

We found an appropriate name that immediately covers what the influencerFAQ is. "With 'the influencerFAQ', we had the perfect name that makes the essence of the platform clear. With a young nod to successful content formats like Studio Brussel's 'Faqda' or the 'What the FAQ?' podcasts or sliders that smoothly pass on online content creators' feeds," said Dieter Boeykens, co-project manager on influencerFAQ. Once we had the name influencerFAQ, the logo and visual brand identity were further fine-tuned by our designers.

Sophisticated content plan tailored to target audience

The objectives in terms of social impact were connecting, giving guidance and providing answers. To achieve this, we first had to reach the target audience. Sophisticated content planning was essential to the success of the influencerFAQ. "For the content plan, we divided each period into phases like a 'Marvel'-movie. Phase 1 was the start where we introduced the platform on Facebook and Instagram. On the Facebook page, press reports (read: Het LaatsteNieuws, De Tafel van Vier, Q-music, etc.) shared to gain more credibility and awareness. For Instagram, we capitalized on the power of short-video and developed two explainer-Reels that immediately guide the influencer and explains the need for this online platform. We also explain how the online platform works," Dieter told us.

In Phase 2, the structure of the online platform was explored in more detail and the six different overarching themes, were introduced. This lets curious people searching for the influencerFAQ via Instagram quickly understand the essence of the online platform.

Another important pillar within the set-up goals was credibility. "To market the online platform by and for influencers, we obviously had to get influencers who wanted to help launch the platform onboard with the story of our FAQ," Emilia explains. "Our partner 'Adshot' selected six ambassadors across various social media channels (Twitch, YouTube,TikTok & Instagram). They made a year-long commitment to highlight the influencerFAQ by creating and posting content."

"For us, the launch event was the summit of all the work we have put into the influencerFAQ over the past few months. We got a real kick out of introducing the press, influencers and experts to the look, feel and set-up of the FAQ and we could witness the first reactions live. This certainly made it different from the launch of other projects."


"For us, the launch event was the summit of all the work we have put into the influencerFAQ over the past few months. We got a real kick out of introducing the press, influencers and experts to the look, feel and set-up of the FAQ and we could witness the first reactions live. This certainly made it different from the launch of other projects."


Colourful launch event

The launch event was also important for a successful start of the campaign. We set out the structure of the event as well as the strategy to bring the influencerFAQ to the influencer together with our partner 'Adshot'. The launch event took place on Monday 27 March 2023 at the panoramic restaurant Albert in Brussels. For the event, we decided to cover one theme at a time in the form of a panel discussion. Each panel discussion included an expert in the field as well as an ambassador, who had already encountered topics such as online bullying or the mental well-being of followers. On-loop videos, beach flags, roll-up banners and a photowall featuring the recurring colourful visuals of the influencerFAQ were developed for the visual brand identity of the event, and to make it more colourful.

Initial results:

Broad media interest

The launch enjoyed a lot of media attention in the Flemish press. The appearance of the Flemish Minister of Youth & Media Benjamin Dalle together with 'momfluencer' Anne Cornut in the programme ‘Tafel van Vier’ onPlay4, a visit by Flemish Minister Dalle to Q-Music's Jana De Wilde during JEZ week as well as a longread in Het Laatste Nieuws with ambassadors Elias Verwilt, Anne Cornut (a.k.a mamavanvijf) and Timon Verbeeck.

Peak in search traffic

Due to the launch event, citing in various media as well as our campaign on social media, there was a sharp spike in traffic to the platform during the week of the launch. Visitors easily found the online platform both spontaneous searches through the search engines and content posted on Instagram. The number of followers on Instagram also doubled and, by feeding the page with content, continues to grow steadily.

First questions flood in

Interest and peak moments are all well and good but seeing the first, as yet unanswered, questions coming in on the platform in the Dropbox show influencers trust the platform and are open to input. These additional questions are currently being considered and coordinated with the appropriate aid organizations/partners (Sensoa, Unia, Gambling Commission,...) with whom the Flemish Government is collaborating for the platform in order to provide the best answers possible.

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