9 tips for ideal video content

Video content is gaining a more prominent role in the marketing world. Businesses make all kinds of films that customers can watch on their smartphone or laptop. Editing short and powerful video content is not self-evident. A number of steps should be followed. We will give nine here.

1. Determine the target in advance

Define exactly what and who you want to reach with your video. There are several types of videos, some are shot easily and quickly on a smartphone, others with professional cameras. For instance, there are ‘how to’-videos where something is explained in a simple way, e.g. how to make a dish or put a cupboard together.

2. Be mindful of length

The number of seconds (yes, seconds) that a video lasts is crucial and often overlooked. If the video is too long, the viewer is guaranteed to quit. Of course, the length of the video depends on its purpose. A video that explains something does not have to be longer than 30 seconds, an after-movie should ideally take 1 to 2 minutes. Also do not wait to long to give the essence. Give the relevant information first, then elaborate after.

3. Image is not everything

Briefly say what the video shows, so that the reader who only reads the text knows more about it. But also stimulate curiosity so that they will look. Don’t exaggerate here – 4 to 5 sentences is sufficient – but be very concise and put the most important information first. Add a call-to-action at the end to direct viewers to your website.

4. Share, share and share

Share the video! No matter how you turn it, you have put time and money into the video. You are the first ambassador, so be proud of it and share the video on as many channels as possible. On social media, on websites and on blogs.

5. Make an evaluation

You will not get into video content by making one video. You should best plan a series of videos (whether or not linked), depending on your objectives. Use programmes that can carry out analyses. For instance, YouTube Analytics can monitor how many people clicked on your video, who viewed your video and where the viewers come from.

6. Write your script beforehand

If you give the clue in the last 15 seconds of your film, it is too late. You can avoid that by writing a script in advance. Starting with an ‘elevator pitch’ is a good idea. That allows you to get to the hearth of the matter in just 30 seconds. Then you can gradually expand the message to 1 or even 2 minutes with additional relevant information.

7. Variation = key

Watching a long video is a real chore, especially now that our attention span is shorter than that of a goldfish. You have to entice the viewer to (continue to) watch the video: before, during and afterwards. You do that by including sufficient variation in your film. Think of alternating different media: fragments, video, screenshots, keywords, graphic elements … Because nobody ever went wild for a monotonous interview with 1 image.

8. SEO-friendly title

What should people type into Google when searching for your video content? You can work out the perfect title based on the answer to that question. Keep its length in mind and use enough keywords to rank well in Google. In addition, the title of the video page for SEO should not be exactly the same as the title for the video.

9. Consider the background

Carefully look what is in the background before you start filming. It can strengthen or weaken your message. If you make the background too busy, your viewer’s attention will be drawn elsewhere. If you are doing an interview with an artist, for instance, it is natural to shoot them at their workplace. So ask yourself this question: “Does this background provide visual added value for this story?”

In short, whether it is an after-movie or a ‘how to’-video, each type of video content requires much thought beforehand. It is a boat you must not miss and which will move faster and faster in 2017. Determine the direction you want to take in advance, develop it further and surround yourself with people who have a minimum knowledge or refine your own.

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