Content is the means to be found, to gain trust, to build an audience, and to sell. It only makes sense if we do it well or perhaps even better than well. Quality is multifaceted, think of a restaurant visit: it is not only what is on your plate that counts, the friendly reception, the decor, and the process of paying are also part of your decision whether to return.
"Creating and distributing qualitative and relevant content requires quite an investment. But it can also give you a lot in return," says Annick Laporte, Client Service Director at Propaganda. "Good content makes it possible to profile your company, your brand, or your employees as experts in your field, in the market in which you operate, and with the products or services that you provide. Inferior or average content does nothing for your brand or, at worst, damages it. That means it is a waste of your efforts and resources.”
Research from 2020 shows that almost 70% of content is not found or viewed by its intended audience. Should you just give up then? No, that is precisely why we are going to focus on qualitative content. We will, of course, monitor what appeals to our target group and triggers action.
"Giving away your content for free shows that you want to help your audience and that you care about them. Sharing your knowledge is showing people you are helpful and an expert."
"Giving away your content for free shows that you want to help your audience and that you care about them. Sharing your knowledge is showing people you are helpful and an expert."
Quality content allows you to claim a certain field. In this niche, you will be seen as the thought leader, the source people consult when they want to know more about this field. To find this niche, you look for the sweet spot: the intersection between three zones:
It is about offering your audience what they need, not necessarily what they want. That requires insight and research. You do not want to disappoint your target group or waste their time. You want to create content that is credible and really helps people move forward. It is content that you can learn from and that is presented in such a way that you can easily pick out things that appeal to you.
There is a lot of business potential in your circle of trust. These are your existing customers, staff, journalists, influencers, and suppliers. That is why it is worthwhile to place your focus here such as with small authentic stories that people like to pass on. Or ratings and reviews on all possible channels your audience visits. It is also very important that your site, reviews, social media, etc. are at the top of search engines. The same is true for comments on your blog and conversations you have with your audience. The shares, likes, and followers show how loyal your audience is.
Using your own voice helps you to stand out. By claiming your own niche, you also make sure that your content is not interchangeable. You should also let your own voice be heard in the stories you tell, the form, the creativity, and your own distinct accents and positions. Do not hesitate to break conventions as long as you stay true to your own style.
Do you just send all your knowledge out into the world? The answer is "yes!". Giving away your content for free shows that you want to help your audience and that you care about them. Think like a publisher and not like a salesman or marketer. Sharing your knowledge is showing people you are helpful and an expert. This is how you show that you will only sell something once your audience is fully informed and convinced. If you do not do it, a competitor will, and you will lose your place in the field that you want to claim.
Finally, perhaps the most important reason to invest in quality content: you build an audience of loyal followers and fans. Those fans trust you, buy from you, talk about you positively, and share your content in their network. Think of Red Bull or GoPro, the latter managed to captivate nine million people with spectacular content using videos of professional athletes. Surely you want to do that too?
Source: ‘Dit is content marketing’
Authors: Bart Lombaerts, Wouter Temmerman, Koen Denolf en Michel Libens. Published by Lannoo Campus.